Community Conservation Fund of Namibia

Empowering Crafters

The recently held Tourism Expo, themed “Beyond Borders,” with a special focus on the Kavango-Zambezi Transfrontier Conservation Area (KAZA TFCA) provided a platform for industry players in the tourism sector to promote their products and services. On the Community-Based Natural Resources Management (CBNRM) front, the 2024 Tourism Expo showcased the remarkable talents of community crafters, providing them with a platform to exhibit and sell their products. The focus was squarely on these artisans, highlighting their sustainable utilization of natural resources to create stunning crafts and jewelry as a source of livelihood. Crafters from the KAZA landscape were carefully selected with support from IRDNC and the Nyae Nyae Development Foundation (NNDF) conservancy.

Seven (7) crafters participated, four (4) crafters from the Mashi Crafts Centre (Zambezi) and three (3) from the Nyae Nyae Conservancy. Visitors were treated to demonstrations of basket weaving, bead-making and woodcarving by the crafters, drawing evident attention and interest from passers-by.

The MEFT stall served as a hub for marketing both the joint venture tourism and crafters’ stalls, as well as promoting conservation efforts and products from the Opuwo Processing Facility.

Highlight: The jewellery makers from Nyae Nyae were honored with the prestigious Editor’s Choice Award, cementing their status as standout exhibitors at the expo.

The success of the 2024 TourismExpo not only provided crafters with a platform to showcase their talents but also underscored the importance of sustainable utilization of natural resources in generating income for local communities. Through collaboration, innovation, and recognition of artisans’ skills, events like these contribute significantly to the empowerment and economic upliftment of crafters within the KAZA landscape and beyond.

The participation of community members was supported by the Community Conservation Fund of Namibia, WWF Namibia, The Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism, the Nyae Nyae Development Foundation and Integrated Rural Development and Nature Conservation (IRDNC).

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